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Thursday, November 16, 2006


Attention English Speakers!

If you are attempting to describe insipid thought or writing, the word is "pabulum." Pabulum! NOT "pablum." "Pablum" is an old-timey breakfast cereal. And while it was bland enough for people old enough to have consumed it to remember it as insipid, its name should not be used to replace the word from which its nomenclature was presumably derived.

posted by Reen | link | ...talkety...0 comments

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Monday, November 13, 2006


Dear World,

I know I owe you email, but I am too busy pretending to be an 18-24 year old male. You know. Video games. Comic books -- ahem, graphic novels. Frozen foods. 500 oz. bottles of Mountain Dew.

It's good to be the target demographic.

Speaking of which, Jennifer L Knox-Your-Socks-Off is interviewed over at Kate Greenstreet's blog.

I have seen El Knox's new manuscript. One poem describes her ideal reader, and the version she sent me lacked an important detail that I had heard when the poem was read aloud. Specifically, as read aloud, her ideal reader must bleed enough for nine vaginas.

That is art. And we just got the numbers from the West Coast in, so I can tell you that 18-24 year old males are totally hot for it.

posted by Reen | link | ...talkety...0 comments

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Sunday, November 12, 2006


"I don't wanna read about people cracking eggs with their butt. I wanna read about wizards!"

posted by Reen | link | ...talkety...0 comments

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