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Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Long time, no blog. Been kind of spaced out lately. Work has taken an exceedingly boring turn and I've found it hard to concentrate. There are many things I would rather be doing, such as working on various projects for Big Game, finishing the binding of the Spectacles of Meat (I got hung up around #35 -- just couldn't face all that glue anymore), and buying tomato plants.

New books in these here parts include "Poeta en San Francisco" by Barbara Jane Reyes and Tony Tost's "World Jelly." Saw the DaDa exhibit at the National Gallery on Sunday and picked up some ideas for future book covers, as well as a book of Tristan Tzara's poems. Sunday I saw The New Pornographers and Belle & Sebastian in a twee indie-rock double-header. All I have to say is: hipsters -- y'all need to learn to rock out. Move around a bit. You looked like you were in vertical comas.

And hey, people. We're well into March. Time to start thinking about NaPoWriMo.

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